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Important News & Updates


PVUIP Progress Update 09/02/2023

Municipal SRA Approval

The Pigeon Valley UIP application is in the approval process at the municipality and on track for the start date of 1 July 2023 .

Whilst waiting for the green light, committee members have been building relationships with key officials in the Parks, Roads & Storm Water and Durban Solid Waste (DSW) Departments  to find out how they work, so that we can support improved service delivery going forward.

Grass Cutting and Weeding

The Road Reserve Maintenance (Red Teams)

The committee have received great news on the appointment of contractors in our area, The RRM Teams have been contracted for 36 months by the Roads and Storm Water Department to do grass cutting, litter picking, edging and weeding of pavements on major roads which include Alan Paton, Albert Dlomo, King George V, Lena Ahrens, Penzance, Princess Alice and ZK Matthews.

All other road pavements and verges are the Parks Department responsibility at this stage.

The committee is supporting the quality controllers of these contractors to ensure the scope of work is adhered to. 

The Public Employment Programme (Blue Teams)

PEP Teams are individuals who are being given a stipend through various municipal departments to assist with clearing verges, open spaces and parks of litter and weeds and have been supervised by a core of dedicated community volunteers.

Glenwood Gateway Garden

The new PV-UIP “Gateway Garden” Project on the corner of Alan Paton and Lena Ahrens will be starting soon. This project aims to clean and beautify this open space at an entrance to Glenwood. Volunteers are welcome to come and assist with the "planting party" of this area. Please contact Cindy May on 0846614399 for more details!

New Communication - UIP Whatsapp Broadcast Groups

The committee has decided to set up broadcast groups for PVUIP news over the next 6 months to gradually replace communication via Street/Flat group reps. A link will be sent out via Street/Flat groups reps to allow you to join this new news broadcast group if you wish.


Thank you to those active citizens for giving their time towards the above projects, we all benefit from your hard work. Please consider donating monthly to the PVUIP to ensure we can do more of the above work between now and when we officially start  as a Special Rated Area (SRA) on 1 July 2023. Any donations would be appreciated!

Banking Details

Pigeon Valley UIP NPC

Investec Bank 

Branch code: 580105

Acc no: 5001 8812 564

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